Friday, July 27, 2012

How to be a good bloger? (Some tips for you)


Making blog is a fashion nowadays. Many people are starting/creating various blog sites. But some of them are copying some words from different internet sites and just pasting those words on their blog pages. In my opinion, that is not the means of blogging. In my view, a blog is that which can express personnel thoughts and feelings of the blogger. If you are start making blog page, you may follow some tips to make good blog and to be a real blogger.

1. Plan before write something: If you write something without planning that may not be good article/blog. So, you have to think and make a plan before writing.

2. Be Unique: Visitors may expect different tests from your site then others. They may look for new idea from your page. So, to give new taste to your audiences, you have to chose unique topic as well as unique contents.

3. Same thing but different way: Many people have already done many things in this world, they have already written the blogs about everything. In this situation, do not worry to find the new topic or new contents. You may write about the same thing and same topic, but you have to express your own idea, which may really good and useful for your audience.

4. Get idea but not copy: You can get idea to make your blog page from various sites. But remember! if you copy and paste those contents to your page, your originality will be hidden. Audience will not love your site and it may useless.

5. Be fast: If you get any new things, start writing immediately. To postpone the job means to be failure or being backwards. So, if you really don't want to be in backwards, recognize the time and do the job at proper time.

6. Respect your readers: No one is perfect in this world. You, me and nobody... Readers sometimes can find your mistakes or they sometimes can post the nonsense comments too. But, never angry with them but always respect your readers and get as more suggestions as possible. And, never forget to thank them.

7. Express your own opinion: There are many news and events which are really secrets. Everyone want to find the reality but they are the issues to be investigated. In this condition, you can express your opinion to your audiences but not to say that is the proof what you are saying.

8. Publish the source: If you are really interested to publish someone's articles or news through your blog; first of all get permission from the related person and you may publish after getting permission with the source of the original blogger or author.

9. Be positive always: Never think or express negative views through your blog site. Negative attitude is the poison for not only you, but also society, nation and the world.

10. Old can be gold: Many of us think that the new things and the situations are only for blogging. The topic can be old, but the readers may look for new ideas in the old topics. If your idea is better, it could be helpful for your readers and they love you. Keep visiting we suggest you...


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